Wednesday, September 16, 2009

You Lie!?

Well I thought it would be appropriate to post this video right above Kanye and Taylor Swift to kinda implement an order of importance which might seep into someone's subconscious. As the President of the United gave a speech calrifying what he hopes to implement as health care reform; South Carolina Republican Rep. Joe Wilson heckled the president during the middle of the speech. I am a proponent of free speech but also speech that is appropriate to the surroundings and situation in which one may find themselves; which Mr. Wilson must have forgotten. Besides the fact that Mr. Wilson lacks a certain sophistication, the president will always have "noisy" critics but the real issue i think hear which should be brought to light is that people really need to carefully determine who we elect to office. If we would like those easily swayed by their emotions Mr. West would make a better politicians than musician. A preponderance of thougt before we express ourselves is always a good thing. ~R. Esquire

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